FAQs: Compliance

  • What payment processor(s) does ItsPayd use?

    We have chosen to partner with Braintree for our C.C. processing.

    Braintree is a full-stack payments platform that makes it easy to accept payments in your app or website. Imagine us as the credit card terminal you swipe your card through at the grocery store. We’ll make sure your customer’s payment information gets to the right places and doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. 

    For further information, visit Braintree.


    Itspayd has also partnered with Dwolla to process ACH payments.

    Providing ACH payment services, instant bank verification, and a simple ACH transfer API. We make ACH processing easy for businesses and individuals.

    For further information, visit Dwolla.


    Further questions? Please visit our Security & Compliance pages.

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