FAQs: Payment plans

  • How will ItsPayd benefit my customers?

    Offering payment plans to your customers can benefit them drastically. Your customers do business with you for a reason; our aim is to keep them there by offering safe and convenient payment plans that meet their cash flow.

    At will payments allow the customer to feel in control of bills they otherwise feel threatened by, providing a compassionate way to continue business with you.

  • How can ItsPayd help my company?

    The platform is designed to improve business matters ten-fold. Our services will augment your current AR methods and create an ease of process for your existing credit managers.

    The ItsPayd process allows your company to gain;

    • Brand Loyalty - By creating “peace of mind” for your potentially past due customers and ensuring future business.
    • Predictable Cash Flow - Payment options may not be what you had in mind for your product/service; however, offering this method of payment will improve your ability to predict when you will receive your money even after you feel it has been lost.

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