FAQs: Security

  • What payment processor(s) does ItsPayd use?

    We have chosen to partner with Braintree for our C.C. processing.

    Braintree is a full-stack payments platform that makes it easy to accept payments in your app or website. Imagine us as the credit card terminal you swipe your card through at the grocery store. We’ll make sure your customer’s payment information gets to the right places and doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. 

    For further information, visit Braintree.


    Itspayd has also partnered with Dwolla to process ACH payments.

    Providing ACH payment services, instant bank verification, and a simple ACH transfer API. We make ACH processing easy for businesses and individuals.

    For further information, visit Dwolla.


    Further questions? Please visit our Security & Compliance pages.

  • Will there be a need to backup data?

    ItsPayd takes the storage of your data seriously and takes every precaution to keep it secure. As a general rule, we do recomend that you back up your submitted data regularly, however.

    More information about our security can be found here: ItsPayd Secuirty Policy.

  • Who has access to my companies information?

    Your information is secured at all times, and will be only be accessible to our Administration team upon need.

  • How is my company’s information secured?

    ItsPayd takes the security of your data seriously. We take a multi-tiered approach to security that includes minimizing the sensitive data that we maintain, following best practices regarding the storage and transmission of data, and only partnering with the most trusted of providers.

    ItsPayd follows industry best practices to ensure that your data remains safe. We require any access to ItsPayd websites to be encrypted via SSL. We additionally require that any files transferred to facilitate automation processes are done so in an encrypted state. Passwords are secured using one-way hashing with salts using algorithms designed to be computationally difficult.

    We assure you, all of your information is safe with us. More information about our security can be found here: ItsPayd Secuirty Policy.

  • What happens if someone attempts fraud through my account?

    If we detect fraud on your account it will be placed on hold and we will contact you immediately. After review of the circumstances and a resolution is reached we will release the account.

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